Help Fund NEW Church Planting Efforts in S. Asia

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Adventures in Missions
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In this region, less than 2% of the population is Christian. Will you help us bring the Gospel here?


raised by 3 people

$10,000 goal

Update #5

Update posted 10 months ago

Meet Venkatesh, who was born into a Hindu Brahmin (high caste) family, deeply rooted in tradition and customs. His devout adherence to Hinduism was unwavering.

However, everything changed one day when Christians visited his village to screen a movie about Jesus Christ and share the Gospel. For the first time, Venkatesh heard about Jesus' sacrificial love for humanity, even in the face of immense suffering. This encounter kindled a spark of curiosity and faith in his heart.

A childhood friend, Rangappa, played a pivotal role in deepening Venkatesh's understanding of Jesus Christ. They started attending Christian gatherings, witnessing miraculous healings and deliverances that left them in awe of God's power.

As their faith blossomed, so did the opposition.

Despite facing severe illness, Venkatesh remained resolute in his devotion to Jesus. On his deathbed for over three years, when all hope seemed lost, he turned to the Lord in sincere repentance and unwavering faith.

Miraculously, the Lord raised him from the brink of death.

Undeterred by rejection and even physical violence from his own community, Venkatesh continued to share the Gospel. With the support of faithful friends like Venkatesh, Babu, and Naveen Kumar, they started a small group that later grew into a thriving congregation. A generous family in the village provided a piece of land for a church, where services began under a humble hut.

In the journey of faith, Venkatesh married Sandhya, and together they were blessed with two daughters, Priyanka and Mounika. Initially, Sandhya did not understand Venkatesh's dedication to ministry, but through Venkatesh's unwavering faith, she, too, found salvation. Tragically, on June 6th, 2021, Sandhya passed away due to kidney issues. While it was a devastating loss, they found solace in the knowledge that she had accepted Jesus into her life.

Venkatesh has been instrumental in guiding others into ministry, including Brother Ramaji and Brother Moses, who are now fervently serving the Lord. Presently, Venkatesh ministers in 12 villages and sustains his family through a small flour mill business.

As we approach the year-end, we remain committed to our goal of raising $10,000 for our church planting project in Karnataka. This project, supported by your generosity, continues to change lives and bring the light of Christ to those in darkness.

Your continued support and prayers are invaluable to us. Please consider contributing to our end-of-year campaign here.

Let's lift Venkatesh, his family, and his ministry in our prayers, that he may find strength and guidance in his noble mission.

Thank you for being a vital part of this incredible journey and for your unwavering support.

In His grace, 

Brant Copen

We've spent 9 years serving in a district in South Asia, and are praising God that we've seen 900 churches planted and more than 20,000 people come to know Jesus! 

We've trained and mobilized 281 national missionaries and that number continues to grow with our strong leadership training program and the hunger for the Gospel that we see among the local people.

Our trusted ministry partner who works all over this part of the world has invited us to partner with them in pioneering a new district. 

We chose this district because the need is so great.

According to the Joshua Project:

+ 1.9 million people live here 

+ 209 unreached people groups are represented 

+ Less than 2% of the population here is potentially Christian. 

+ 80% are Hindu

+ 18% are Muslim

+ The rest are a mix of various tribal and regional faith groups. 

The good news about Jesus needs to be shared! 

Your gifts will help us build physical places for the churches to meet, provide support and discipleship to our pastor network and further the Gospel in South Asia!

Here's one story from this district that shows the redemptive power of Jesus Christ!

Rama: From Darkness to Faith

Meet Rama, a man born into a devout Hindu family in South Asia. Despite the family's unwavering commitment to Hinduism, life was a struggle. Rama's father fell ill, and financial burdens loomed.

In 1994, two strangers introduced them to Jesus. Desperate for healing, the family embraced this new faith, believing Jesus to be just another deity. Remarkably, his father's health improved.

Rama faced his own challenges, quitting his studies to support his family. In 2000, he received a divine calling for ministry. With theological training, he returned to his hometown, married, and had a child.

Today, Rama leads a congregation of 80 people and is actively involved in disciple-making. His journey exemplifies the transformative power of faith!

Your support helps us train and equip pastors like Rama as we seek to build church buildings and spread God's love through our church planting efforts. Thank you for partnering with us!

**Rama is the name used to protect his identity. 

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