Help Us Meet the Needs of A Changing World

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Adventures in Missions
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Your partnership helps transform lives and shapes the future of missions. Will you join us?


raised by 9 people

$50,000 goal

Update #3

Update posted 9 months ago

We always ask ourselves, “How do we reach this generation for Jesus?” I believe the team of alumni Racers we’ve assembled to serve our participants is answering the call. They have a laser focused vision to see two things happen: Jesus made famous among the nations. And revival in the hearts of Gen Z. 

Oh, how they long for young people to intimately know the Lord.

During our last Training Camp, there was a buzz around campus. You could feel it in the air. “It feels like 2012,” they told me. I had to go and see for myself, and it was true, just like in 2012, there was a hunger amongst them to know God deeper and follow Him to the ends of the earth. 

There’s always been a hunger in Racers, but 2012 was different, and so is 2023.

The worship gave you goosebumps. The prayers were desperate and heartfelt. There was a rawness in vulnerability that was tangible. A heart posture to go into the tender places, to find freedom they’d not yet known. It was a special time. We believe it’s just the beginning.

There is a fire burning deeply in the hearts of Gen Z, and we are here to connect them to a mission to take the Gospel to the nations.

Everyone feels it, even Magdelena, a custodian from Liberty U told our World Race recruiters while they were on campus, she always feels the Holy Spirit when she walks past our table.

The revival happening in this generation is tangible in our recruitment calls too.

Recently, our staff had been praying for another male to join our 11 month route, but as the deadline loomed closer, it seemed like it wasn’t going to happen. Then a young man scheduled a call with our recruitment manager, Aaron. He asked the young man to consider launching on the World Race in 1.5 months. 

Immediately, staff started walking around the office and praying that the Lord would move if He wanted him on this route.

The guy said YES!

He immediately started telling friends and family about his upcoming trip and arrived at training camp FULLY FUNDED! When he got to campus, he met Aaron, and gave him a big bear hug and thanked him for believing in him. It was an emotional and powerful moment for the whole team!

Sending 7000 young people to the nations since 2006 would not have been possible without your prayers and support. And now, I ask you to engage with us again, as we listen to God’s leading and prepare for revival with this remnant He’s entrusted to us. So many Christians are discouraged by the state of our culture, and write off Gen Z. But if I’ve heard one constant from our World Race staff, it’s that they have no doubt God is moving in Gen Z, and the best is yet to come.

Will you join us in this journey? As we step into a new year, your support will help us continue to answer the call to take the Gospel to the nations, send Racers to respond to crises like Hurricane Ian, and train up the next generation of leaders.

Thank you for your support. 

Yours for the journey, 

Seth Barnes

Your support has been a driving force in our ability to make a lasting impact over the past 33 years, and we believe this campaign is a chance to set the stage for an even brighter future.

Your gifts empower us to respond to crises, equip and train young adults, and make a positive difference in the lives of countless individuals around the world. 

As we look ahead to the new year, we are filled with hope and anticipation. The possibilities are endless, and with your continued support, we believe we can make an even greater impact. 

Join Us in the Journey: Your gift, no matter the amount, plays a vital role in our ability to fulfill our mission. We invite you to join us!

As we close this year and welcome the next, we want to express our profound gratitude for your partnership, your compassion, and your unwavering commitment. 

The best is yet to come, and we are excited to share this journey with you.

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